Foxes are adorable animals in Minecraft. You can find them in taiga and snowy taiga biomes, but you’ll need to look carefully because they’re shy and nocturnal, meaning they’re usually only active at night and will run away from you when you approach.
There are two types of fox in the game: the red fox and the white fox. Red foxes are more common and you’ll find them in taiga biomes. You can find white foxes in snowy taiga biomes.

How to tame a fox
In order to tame a fox, you need to first get two foxes to breed. They will produce a baby fox, and that fox will trust you and be “tame.” This means that unlike regular foxes, it won’t run away from you when you approach.
A baby fox will still follow other adult foxes, so to move your baby fox, you’ll want to have a lead.
You’ll also need sweet berries, which you harvest from sweet berry bushes. These bushes grow in the taiga biome.
How to trap foxes
Now comes the tricky part. You need to find two adult foxes and ideally ones that are close together. Although foxes are nocturnal, it’s easiest to approach them during the day, while they’re sleeping. The key thing to remember is to use “sneak” mode. Press the sneak key (the default is the shift key) as you approach and keep it pressed.
When you get close enough to a fox, you can build a wall around it. The wall needs to be two blocks high on all sides, otherwise the fox will quickly jump out. Once you have an enclosure around the fox, you have successfully trapped it.

If you were lucky, you found two foxes close together and you were able to build a single enclosure around both of them.
If you only trapped a single fox, you need to find another fox nearby and trap it as well. Once you have two foxes trapped, you can bring them together in a few different ways:
- Dig a tunnel between the enclosures and “chase” one fox towards the other.
- Use the “boat trick.” Place a boat right outside your enclosure and then create an opening where the boat is. Chase the fox out of the enclosure and when it runs over the boat, it will be trapped inside. Then get into the boat and “row” your way over to the other enclosure.
How to breed foxes
Now that you have two foxes together in an enclosure, it’s time to breed them. Feed each of the foxes some of your sweet berries and wait a few moments. The foxes will mate and a baby fox will appear.
If you breed a red fox and white fox together, you’ll have 50% chance of getting a baby fox of either color.
This baby fox is your tame fox. It will “trust” you and not run away. However, if there are any adult foxes nearby, it will revert to Minecraft’s “baby animal” logic and follow the adult foxes instead.
To get the fox to follow you, you’ll need to use a lead. There are a lot of ways that you can get a lead in Minecraft:
- You can craft them using slimeballs and string.
- You can find them in woodland mansion and buried treasure chests.
- You can separate a wandering trader from his llamas, causing him to drop two leads.

This video by OMGcraft shows the process of taming a fox.