Llamas are a type of mob (short for mobile) in the game Minecraft that can be found in the game’s higher-elevation biomes. Llamas are known for their unique appearance and their ability to carry inventory items for the player, making them a useful companion for any adventurer. In this article, we will discuss how to tame a llama in Minecraft and the steps you need to take to make it your loyal companion.
To tame a llama in Minecraft, you will first need to find one in the wild. As mentioned earlier, llamas can be found in the game’s colder biomes, so if you want to find one, you will need to explore these areas. Once you have found a llama, you can then try to tame it.
Step-by-Step Guide to Tame a Llama
- First, you need to find a llama. They can be found in certain biomes, such as the savanna plateau and the windswept hills.
- Next, approach the llama with empty hands.
- Right click on the llama to attempt to mount it.
- Most likely, the llama will buck you off. It doesn’t like being mounted!
- Be patient and persistent and repeat the attempt by right-clicking on the llama to re-mount.
- Eventually, the llama will accept you as a rider. When this happens, you’ll see a bunch of red hearts appear and you will be riding the llama without getting thrown off.
- Now the llama is tame! Press the shift key to dismount the llama.

Unfortunately, llamas cannot be equipped with saddles and cannot be ridden like horses, donkeys, or even pigs. If you want to move your llama around, you’ll need to use a lead.
Breeding Llamas in Minecraft
If you tame and capture two or more llamas in Minecraft, you can breed them to produce baby llamas. Eventually, you could be a shepherd to your very own herd of llamas. Since llamas are excellent pack animals for transporting a large amount of items, you could assemble your very own trading caravan by breeding enough llamas.
- Tame and capture at least two llamas using the steps above.
- Feed each llama a full hay bale. First equip the hay bale by right-clicking on it in your hotbar. Then right click on each llama to feed it.
- When two adult llamas have been fed, they will approach each other and hearts will appear above the llamas.
- A baby llama will be born.
Repeat several times and you’ll soon have your own llama herd in Minecraft.

Now that you know how to tame a llama in Minecraft, here are some Fun Facts About Llamas in the Real World
- Llamas are members of the camelid family, which also includes alpacas, vicunas, and camels.
- They are native to South America, and were domesticated by the Incas more than 5,000 years ago.
- Llamas are known for their calm and docile nature, and are often used as pack animals for treks in the Andes.
- Llamas can reach up to 6 feet in height and can weigh up to 400 pounds.
- Llamas have a unique, humming vocalization that they use to communicate with other llamas.
- Llamas can defend themselves by spitting when threatened or annoyed.
- They also have long eyelashes to protect their eyes from the sun, and padded feet to help them navigate rocky terrain.
- Llamas are very social animals, and they form strong bonds with other llamas and humans.