They might not be as majestic as a horse, but you can ride pigs in Minecraft. Riding a pig is a little more complicated than merely taming a pig and getting it to follow you by holding a carrot in your hand. Pigs are not nearly as fast as other mounts. But if you want a different way of getting around, riding a pig can be a fun way to travel in Minecraft.
Step by step guide to ride a pig in Minecraft
Before you can ride a pig, you’ll need to have a saddle and a carrot on a stick. This is a craftable item. The saddle allows you to sit on the pig’s back, and the carrot on a stick gets the pig to move. As long as you are holding the carrot on a stick, the pig will follow in whatever direction you’re facing.
- Find yourself a saddle. These can be found inside various chests, and you can also get them from fishing.
- Find yourself a pig. They’re common mobs, and you’ll find them in grassy areas in the Overworld.
- Craft a carrot on a stick on a crafting table by combining a fishing rod with a carrot. If you don’t have a fishing rod yet, craft that first with three sticks and two pieces of string.
- Equip the saddle in your hotbar. Then place it on the pig by left-clicking on the pig while holding your saddle.
- The saddle will appear on the pig and now you can mount the pig by right-clicking on it.
- To get the pig to move, equip your carrot on a stick and face whatever direction you’d like to travel. The pig will follow the carrot on a stick, slowly eating at it and reducing its durability. Eventually, the carrot will disappear and the carrot on a stick will revert to a regular fishing rod.
- To temporarily make the pig move faster, right-click the carrot on a stick. This reduces its durability by 25%, but makes the pig run at double speed for a short while.

And that’s all you need to have one of the most entertaining mounts in Minecraft. Remember to bring a lot of carrots and a crafting table along with you if you’re planning on riding your pig for long distances.