Wolves are one of the most popular mobs in Minecraft. You will find wolves in the wild and you can tame them, turning them into loyal pets. Once tame, they take on all the characteristics you would expect of a loyal family dog. In fact, some players mistake tame Minecraft wolves as Minecraft dogs.
Where do you find a wolf in Minecraft?
Wolves spawn in small packs in certain biomes in the game. You’ll find them in forests, taigas, giant tree taigas, and snowy biomes, plus all the variations of these areas. They are neutral mobs, which means they’ll basically ignore you unless you attack them first. Wolves will attack sheep that stray into their path, so watch out!
Step-by-step guide to tame a wolf

- Taming a wolf is very simple. All you need to do is to give a bone (the ones that drop from skeletons) to a wild wolf. Each bone you give has a 33% chance of taming the wolf, making him your instant best friend and loyal companion.
- If the first attempt fails, just keep trying. It shouldn’t take more than a few tries.
- When the attempt to tame the wolf with a bone succeeds, you’ll see hearts appear around the wolf and he’ll be wearing a red collar.
- Your wolf will now follow you wherever you go. If you get too far ahead of your wolf, it might temporarily disappear, but will re-spawn next to you in a few moments.
Taking care of your tame wolf
Your new pet wolf will remain loyal, but you may need to take care of him from time to time. Think of having a pet wolf just like having a pet dog (it kind of looks like a husky!) There are also some cool things you can do with your pet wolf.
Your wolf will protect and defend you from enemies, but he will also take damage. You can monitor your wolf’s health by looking at his tail. A wolf with full health has an upright tail. A wolf with little health left carries his tail low, almost between his legs. The angle of the tail directly corresponds to the amount of health he has remaining.
To restore a wolf’s health, feed him meat. Wolves will regain health from any meat in the game except for fish. Raw chicken and rotten flesh are great for feeding your pet wolves, since they will regain health and won’t suffer from the same negative side effects that you would if you consumed those items.
You can name your wolf using a name tag.
You can also order your tame wolf to stop following you and to “stay” just by right-clicking on him. When your wolf is in the stay position, he’ll remain sitting in the same spot until you release him. Just right-click once more and he’ll return to “follow” mode.
You can also change the color of your wolf’s collar. Equip the dye you want to use in your hot bar and then right-click on your wolf. His collar will change to the color of the dye you have chosen.
How to breed tame wolves
You can breed wolves by feeding meat to two tame adult wolves. When you feed them, hearts will appear and if the adults are close by to each other, they will mate. A baby wolf will appear shortly thereafter.
The baby wolf will eventually grow into an adult. This process can be expedited by feeding meat to the baby wolf. Each feeding reduces the time remaining to full growth by 10%.
Fun things to do with wolves in Minecraft
Tamed wolves are loyal companions and fierce protectors. If you’re planning on going up against dangerous mobs, you’ll want to think about bringing a pack of tame wolves along to help protect you.
You can have a pack of wolves guard your house or base at night. This is a great option when you want to stay outside to farm or build and not be bothered by zombies and skeletons. Just remember to keep your pack of wolves fully healed!
You could also take your pack of wolves hunting. They’re great for late night attacks on pillager outposts.
Finally, you can also use wolves to guard and protect a village. A very large pack of loyal tame wolves can help as the waves in the raid increase in difficulty. Just be sure not to attack or harm your own wolves in all the chaos. And keep them fed and healed between waves!
Frequently Asked Questions
What do you use to tame a wolf in Minecraft?
You use bones to tame a wolf. You can get bones from killing skeletons.
How do you get a wolf to follow you in Minecraft?
Once you tame a wolf using bones, it will appear with a collar and follow you around. Right-click on the tame wolf to make it sit/stay and right-click again to make it follow.
How do you change the color of a tamed wolf’s collar?
You can use dyes on your wolf’s collar to change its color.
What do tamed wolves eat?
You can feed any type of meat, except fish, to your tamed wolf in Minecraft. You can even feed it rotten flesh (yuck!) and it won’t be negatively impacted by the Hunger status effect.