How to Make Smooth Stone in Minecraft


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Two furnaces burning in Minecraft

Smooth stone is one of the three main types of stone in Minecraft. It’s more polished than either regular stone or cobblestone, and you can craft it easily using a Furnace. Note that both regular stone and smooth stone are crafted in the Furnace and not with a crafting table.

You most likely have plenty of cobblestone in your inventory, so let’s start with that to make regular stone and then use the regular stone to craft smooth stone.

Step by step guide to make smooth stone in Minecraft

First, you’ll need your basic materials and a furnace. Gather plenty of cobblestone and coal. You can use another material for fuel, but coal or blocks of coal are your best bet for efficiency.

  1. Place the coal and your cobblestone in your furnace. The cobblestone will turn into regular stone.

    Cobblestone in the furnace
  2. For faster crafting, build multiple furnaces or use a blast furnace. Multiple furnaces actually work better, as they’re easy and cheap to craft.
  3. Take the stone out of the furnace and place it in your inventory.
  4. Place the stone back into the furnace with the remaining coal. The stone will turn into smooth stone.

    Stone plus coal for smooth stone
  5. Take the smooth stone out of the furnace and place it into your inventory.
  6. Repeat until you have all the smooth stone that you need.

Cobblestone, Stone, and Smooth Stone

Remember, you use cobblestone to make stone and then stone to make smooth stone. It’s a two-step process, and all of this is done with a furnace instead of a crafting table.

Here is what the three different types of stone look like.

cobblestone, stone, smooth stone
Cobblestone, stone, and smooth stone side-by-side in Minecraft.

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