How to Make a Bed in Minecraft


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Minecraft - White Bed

One of the first pieces of furniture you need to assemble in Minecraft is a bed. Sleeping on a bed in Minecraft instantly “fast forwards” you to daybreak in the game, which can be extremely useful when playing Survival Mode. It also resets your spawn point in the event you are killed. If you have placed a bed in the game, you will re-spawn right next to it.

Fortunately, making a bed is very easy to do and can be accomplished early in the game. Here’s how to make a bed in Minecraft.

First, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 3 wood planks of any type (you can even mix and match)
  • 3 pieces of matching color wool

At the beginning of the game, it’s easiest to assemble a white bed, since the most accessible source of wool will be sheep roaming nearby. There are two ways to get wool from the sheep.

  1. Kill the sheep.
  2. Use shears to collect the wool.

Using shears is preferable, because the sheep regrows the wool over time, and you’ll have a nice renewable source of wool this way. But early in the game, you’re unlikely to have mined enough iron to make the shears, so the fastest way is to find three sheep and kill them for their wool. Don’t worry—the sheep will not have died in vain, and you’ll still be able to sleep at night on your cozy new bed.

Steps to make a bed in Minecraft

  1. Gather your material, which include the 3 pieces of white wool and 3 wood planks of any wood variety.
  2. Place all the materials on the crafting table as pictured here:

    Making a bed in Minecraft
  3. Drag the bed icon to your inventory, and there you have it! A bed to sleep on.
  4. To place the bed, you’ll need two open squares on the ground. Select the square for the foot of the bed and it will appear. Simply “use” the bed by right-clicking on it, and you will go to sleep. You’ll wake up the next morning ready for new adventures!

If you want something a little fancier than a plain white bed, you can use different colored wool. You’ll need three wool of the same color to make a different color bed. Experiment with different colors and styles to get the bed you like best.

Remember that you won’t be able to sleep in your bed during the daytime (unless there’s a thunderstorm outside). At night, you won’t be able to sleep if there are any monsters nearby.

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