The sunset in Minecraft is a special time. It can be beautiful to behold, as the yellow and orange colors light up the sky. But it can also be ominous. In survival mode, the sunset marks the arrival of the dangerous nighttime, when zombies, skeletons, spiders, and more come out to play their wicked games.
We’ve collected several images of beautiful sunsets in Minecraft for you to enjoy, and provided some tips and tricks for making your own memories of sunsets in Minecraft.
Sunset Gallery
Sunset over a house Sunset behind trees The end of another day The sun sets while Alex races to complete her house. Sunset over a chicken farm. Sunset over a city. A villager at sunset. The sun sets behind a mooshroom. Turtle love. The sun sets behind an arch island.
Better Sunsets with Shaders and Resource Packs
You can get even prettier sunsets using Shaders and Resource Packs, which dramatically alter the appearance of blocks in Minecraft. The first thing you’ll want to install if you don’t have it already is Optifine. You may also require Minecraft Forge.
You will also want to look at several different Shaders. These give different looks to the lighting in the game, and most require that you’re running Optifine to work correctly. Some of the best shaders to try are:
Resource packs also can change the look of your sunsets. Some popular ones to try include: